Thursday, June 26, 2014

Q. 5

5. Are there more people who are against abortion or are there less?

As you can see in the following text, 48% of the Americans are AGAINST abortion.
And 45% of the Americans say they are FOR.

"Abortion" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 June 2014. <>.

In May 2013, Gallup found that 48% of Americans consider themselves pro-life and 45% say they are pro-choice. [79] However, 51% of Americans believe the public is mostly "pro-choice," while 35% say the public is mostly pro-life. [80]Gallup also found that more Americans think abortion should be "legal under any circumstances" (26%) than those who think abortion should be "illegal in all circumstances" (20%). The majority of Americans (52%) say abortion should be "legal only under certain circumstances." [79] In Jan. 2013, Pew Research found that most Americans (63%) "say they would not like to see the court completely overturn the Roe v. Wade decision." 29% would like Roe v. Wade to be overturned. [94] A 2013 Pew Research survey found that 70% of people who attend religious services at least once a week say abortion is morally wrong, compared with just 32% of people who rarely or never attend services. [2]


  1. It seems interesting that 48% of the Americans are aagainst abortion and 45% of the Americans are for it.
    I thought there were more people who are against abortion.

  2. Hi Eri,
    I'm not sure if you understood what I told you last week. When you find a site that provides evidence that helps you answer your research question, you need to SUMMARIZE it on your blog PLUS you need to write your analysis and opinion of what you learned. That is how you can provide something on your blog that's "value added," rather than just regurgitating what's been posted or printed elsewhere.

    For example, it's strange that the majority of Americans think that their fellow Americans are mostly pro-choice when actually the opposite is true. Why do you think this might be the case?

    Also, the fact that a larger percentage of Americans believe that abortion should be "legal under any circumstances" (26%) compared to those who think that it should be "illegal in all circumstances" (20%) shows that the opinion of people is nuanced and can't be understood easily. It's difficult to make generalizations.

    Think again about how you characterized the statistics you reported. You said that "48% of the Americans are AGAINST abortion. And 45% of the Americans say they are FOR" it. Actually, to consider oneself "pro-life" or "pro-choice" does not necessarily mean that you are for or against abortion. They are loaded words that may mean different things to different people. To find out what Americans believe about abortion, the questions asked of them would need to be specific about what they think should and shouldn't be allowed--not whether they consider themselves to be pro-life or pro-choice.
    Joseph D.
